Born loving,living,breathing & sleeping horses, Lisa got her first pony "Gumdrop" a chocolate palomino shetland as a 5 yr old girl. The pony was a mare. The nieghbors had a beautiful white stud pony named "Peter". Soon... the decision was made to breed Gumdrop to Peter. Gumdrop foaled a beautiful white filly just like Pete. .Lisa immediately named the filly "Treasure" as her white coat glistened like silvery treasure. The Joy of this sweet filly joining Lisa & Gumdrop was short lived when the filly Drown in a pond. This was not to be the last of tragity & loss of a precious friend. It was however, Lisa's first encounter breeding these wonderful creatures & I've been hooked ever since! Even with the horrific loss of the filly ....I learned at a very young age how to look toward the future and not be a quitter.
Then my Parents soon divorced, and Gumdrop found a new home, I understood my mother & I alone could no longer afford to care for her. I was heart broke & horseless till the age of 13, however, always riding throughout the years taking Lessons & going to summer riding camps. My mother was very fortunate to re-marry a WONDERFUL man (my FATHER Jake). A day never passed without me begging & tormenting for a horse. Soon, My Gelding Ginger came into my life as a very green 3 year old, no one else wanted to deal with. We grew up together , taught & learned from each other. He was the first horse I ever barrel raced, along with many other gymkhana events. We learned alot together, Ginger taught me how to be a team, and also that good things come with patients. We went from an awkward pair unsure of what we were doing & him running me to the gate before completing a pattern... to champions in gaming , winning just about every time we entered the arena. Ginger had the biggest heart of any horse Ive ever known & doubt there will ever be another like him in my life. He was lost to complications from a show injury at 14 yrs old. We went into debit to try & save him,took a few years to pay off his hospital & vet bills. I just wasn't ready to be without him. It was the worst day of my life ever.... as I always thought Ginger would die a retired old man out in the pasture....he was never ill a day in his life ,till the injury. Ginger was just the begining of the life we have today with horses.
There have been many since him to touch our lives, BUT If it weren't for Ginger ....I would probably not have married the man I so dearly love and have been with Since 1985. He too growing up around horses , being a farm boy..could understand my attachment to them. SO , he knew if he wanted to be in my life , he had to take the horses too. Kevin & I married in 1988 , have 2 wonderful childern, Janelle & Brendon. They too enjoy farm life. Janelle also shares the passion of horses & also loves to barrel race. Which brings us to where we are today. Like myself, Janelle never had a finished horse growing up. She always rode horses she had to "ride" not just sit on Point & go. She too shares the special rewarding feeling with her horse Parteeboy ,I shared with Ginger.
We are very fortunate and greatful to have our small parcel of 18 acres of Kevin's Grandparents 250+acre farm. It has taken us over 20 yrs and a lot of struggles, sweat & tears to make our farm what it is. As a family home & business, always working for & earning what we are today.... Strohl Paint & Quarter horses.